The Marble Bar Community Resource Centre is a not for profit, community managed organisation servicing the Pilbara community of Marble Bar. The Marble Bar Community Resource Centre is part of a network of Community Resource Centres (WACRN) located in small rural communities throughout Western Australia.
Funded primarily through the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, we are also an agent for Services Australia (Centrelink). This funding enables us to deliver a wide range of services and support for Marble Bar, Goodabinya and our surrounding stations, camps and remote indigenous communities.
We offer free online access to state and local government information via our government access point, provide access to technology and equipment, coordinate community events and initiatives and facilitiate training and information sessions. We also offer room hire, business and secretarial services and internet, copying, video conferencing, printing, specialty/photo printing and secretarial services, just to name a few.
Our Centre celebrated 20 years of service to the Marble Bar Community in 2021. The range of services provided to the community has continually developed over the past two decades.
Our History
The Marble Bar Telecentre & Business Link was first established in 2001 to provide services to the community. The last 20+ years have seen the centre expand and in 2010 the Association was re-branded as the Marble Community Resource Centre (Inc.) in line with many other members of the network of former Telecentres across the state.